Vol. 11, No.1 / 2008


pag. 5

One True Face of Flemings or about Culture and Management in Belgium Kingdom

Autor: Lecturer Amedeo ISTOCESCU, Ph.D


 The paper presents travel impressions in Belgium.

Classification-JEL: Z10

Keywords: Culture; History; Economic aspects from Belgium



pag. 10

The Specific Features of the Management's Functions within the Healthcare Services

Autor: Reader Claudiu CICEA, Ph.D


The merit for the definition of the management's functions belongs to Henry Fayol. Afterwards, many experts applied and detailed these functions on different research areas. In this paper we will present the modality in which the management's functions are integrated within the healthcare services.

Classification-JEL: I10,

Keywords: Healthcare; Management's function.



pag. 21

Transforming Healthcare Quality through Information Technology

Autori: Professor Sofia Elena COLESCA, Ph.D., Professor Kristina ZGODAVOVA, Ph.D.


Information and information exchange are crucial to the delivery of care on all levels of the health care delivery system—the patient, the care team, the health care organization, and the encompassing political-economic environment. To diagnose and treat individual patients effectively, individual care providers and care teams must have access to at least three major types of clinical information—the patient's health record, the rapidly changing medical-evidence base, and provider orders guiding the process of patient care. In this frame, Information Technology can help healthcare organizations improve the quality of care that they provide, improve patient safety, improve cost-effectiveness, accelerate the translation of research findings into practice, improve care for the medically underserved, increase consumer involvement, improve accuracy and privacy, and increase their ability to monitor health nationally. Consequently, in the present article are presented some implementations of Information and Communication Technologies in the Health Care field.

Classification-JEL: I10, L15, M15

Keywords: Healthcare; Quality; Information and Communication Technologies



pag. 40

The Analysis of the Industry Competitively in Romania in the Economic Globalisation Context

Autori: Lecturer Rãzvan Cãtãlin DOBREA, Ph.D., Andreea Nicoleta ªTEFÃNESCU


 The competition growth constitutes, at the organizations level, one of the major preoccupations for the present context of the social-economic changes. The effects of the globalisation process have been also noticed at tourism industry level, fact which had generated a series of changes both in production area and even more in the tourism services consume area. The analysis of the competition of this sector has moved from the sphere of some individual criterions, orientated on economic aspects, to the sphere of complex assessments with deep implications for all the involved factors. The present working presents a series of aspects regarding the tourism industry competition from Romania, from the perspective of some assessments and classifications realized by the organizations in the domain at the world plan.

Classification-JEL: L11, L83

Keywords: Tourism industry; Economic competition; Assessment criterions.



pag. 55

The Influence of the Flexibility over the Diversity and Organizational Change

Autor: Reader Cosmin DOBRIN, Ph.D.


The flexibility concept within the company may be better understand if we will analyse the connection with other concepts. In this paper we will try to present the influence of the flexibility over the diversity and change.

Classification-JEL: L15, L23, L25, M11

Keywords: Organization of production; Flexibility, Diversification



pag. 65

Diagnostic Analysis of Professional Vocation Education of Romania

Autor: Ph.D. Candidate Rodica DRÃGHICIU


 The education represents a priority to all the governments from the European countries, even though the structure of the educational system differs from one country to another. Taking this in consideration, the importance of the educational and formation systems must be reconsidered, in order for them to adapt to the always changing needs of the society and of the citizens: providing the specific aptitudes and competences required for the knowledge society, the necessary quality of the educational and formative systems, sustaining the principles of equity and inclusion and the European dimension in education and formation. The diagnostic analysis of the vocational professional education of Romania should have, as a starting point, the underlining of the positive (hard points) and dysfunctional aspects (weak points), so as to globally formulate strategies and intervention methods that should improve its performances, taking in consideration the disturbing factors from the specific environment of the educational activity, because the efficacy of the vocational-professional education and the evaluation of the quality of professional formation offer should have as a target the developing of transparency and system quality, also to raise the mobility on the working market.

Classification-JEL: I21, D83

Keywords: Vocation education; Analysis of education



pag. 90

Comparative Analyse: Small and Middle Enterprises versus Large  Organizations in Romania in the Knowledge Based Society  (part II)

Autor: Lecturer Amedeo ISTOCESCU, Ph.D.


 The paper presents some of the most important peculiarities of the entrpreneurship in Romania in the context of the knowledge based society. We develop the advantages and disadvantages of the modern Romanian SME's sector and the main characteristics of nowadays knowledge revolution. At the end we show a few opportunities of the future of Romanian entrepreneurial sector. We try to compare the Romanian small and medium sized enterprises with the big firms in order to observe some similarities and some differences in the era of knowledge society.

Classification-JEL: L21, L26

Keywords: Small and middle enterprises; Etrepreneurship



pag. 129

Leadership in Socioeconomic Context

Autor: Reader Corina Frãsineanu, Ph.D.


 In the paper it is shown that in the current social and economic context, many people try to understand - and many are writing about - the concept and practices of leadership. There are a lot of arguments in favor of the popularity of this subject, including the fact that the organizations face a lot of sky-rocketing changes. The concept of leadership is relevant for any aspect referring to the assurance of the organization efficiency and in the attempts to cope with or adapt to changes. Leadership is both an art and a science. The area of the leadership styles is as wide as the painting or music styles. Some say that leadership is an innate ability; others, on the contrary, think that one may learn, develop and apply these abilities in the context of intense professional motivation. This ability may be learned and developed. Any individual who involves together with his/her team to create a vision, motivation and impetus will be seen as a leader

Classification-JEL: M12, M14,

Keywords: Personnel management; leadership



pag. 146

Strategically Analysis of Concurrencies

Autor: Reader Ion POPA, Ph.D.


 The survival and the development of the company in the market economy depends, in a significant way, both on the capacity of reaction to the change and on the nature of the relations with the environment, in general, and with the competitors, in particular. One instrument to deepen the analysis of a company, in which there are many competitor groups, each group having a distinguished place on the market and having a specific image in the buyers' minds, is the one suggested by Michael Porter for ''map making'' the strategic groups.

Classification-JEL: L22, L25

Keywords: Firm strategy; Firm performance; Business objectives




pag. 154

The Diary of a Merchant

Autor: Professor Raisa RADU, Ph.D


The paper presents aspects from Stancu Becheanu life as a Romanian business man.

Classification-JEL: Z11

Keywords: Cultural economics
